Recovery Plants
CO2 extraction plants are based on the presence of CO2 in the gas sources from:- boilers and turbines, combustion engines, chemical processes and natural sources. Where an existing raw gas source with a relatively low CO2 content is available. A CO2 extraction plant proves an effective alternative to a conventional CO2 production plant.
The CO2 plants work as testing ground to the innovations that we have developed in the recent times. We make sure of the performance of the process before making them commercially available to the clients. We are running CO2 plant also and hence we know the practical problem that come in running the plant and we can address them immediately as soon as any such problems arises with our customer.
Enhanced Oil Recovery :A well is a very big hole dug in the ground. Sometimes it contains water, some times it contains oil and sometimes it got Carbon-Di-Oxide gas mixed with water. The oil wells turn to give sub normal output, after its continuous use. The Carbon-Di-Oxide injection helps in recovery of more oil from the well. The addition of Carbon-Di-Oxide gas through injection (of gas) some times gives extra oil by about 30-40%.
The injection of Carbon-Di-Oxide does the following :Reduces the viscosity of the oil and allows it to come out and flow easily.The C02 gas mixes with the oil like water and the oil becomes carbonated and expands forcing the oil to come out of the tight openings in the rock and to waiting extraction wells The mixture of oil and Carbon-Di-Oxide also dissolves some rock thus making it more porous which results in more yield of oil.Since there is lot of Carbon-Di-Oxide which is used in the wells, therefore, the cost of Carbon-Di- Oxide is also to be considered. There is a talk of using C02 from the boiler flue gases after enrichment with a membrane. We supply co2 recovery from flue gas and co2 recovery systems.
Since the quantity of C02 used in the wells is considerable and hence one can be sure of getting recovery.
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